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In order for a team to respond well to feedback, it is first important for a leader to have already established a pattern of consistent encouragement and coaching.
Internal Training for the month on Basic and Advance Excel Training
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Join the Health Gang Team for Crown Virtual Wellness Program A.K.A Time Out for Your Body
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Connect with resellers, find suppliers and trade together.
Trade with other businesses, discover new products to sell and grow your business
Create, automate and track customer orders seamlessly
Bringing together product and customer data to manage the life cycle of goods coming in and out of the company.
Get real-time visibility into every customer order
Maintaining an accurate view of inventory and being responsive to customer orders is essential to any business. Orders come in from all channels – online, phone, in store. Being able to quickly see all orders, across all channels, and take action is essential to maximizing customer promises and reducing the financial impacts of lost or non-productive inventory.
Manage and track inventory real time, all in one place
Avoid excess stock – get better visibility on your inventory and assets across one or multiple warehouses
Workflow automation is taking over, which isn’t a big surprise. By automating critical operations, we take collaboration to a new level. Tasks move effortlessly from person-to-person, system-to-system, to the cloud and back, without errors or inefficiency.
Collect and review revenue collections from different payment channels
Easily assess data on all types transaction from multiple payment channels all from one simple dashboard
What is Unified Collections Gateway?
Otherwise known as UCG, is a software application that enables real-time aggregation of revenue collections from different payment channels. CICOD UCG is ideal for any business collecting revenue via multiple channels. It allows the monitoring of activities taken to recover customer debts and providing detailed financial audit trail and access to funds both in cash or bank accounts.
The KPI dashboard is a visual display of key performance indicators (KPIs) of all the workflows that belong to departments in an organization.
The implementation of this feature is in progress.
This offline mode functionality will allow users to view and update tickets even when they don’t have an internet connection.
The implementation of this feature is in progress.
With the Form Analytics Feature Users will be able to view and know the performance of their forms created. (The total number of usersthat viewed the form, responses gotten, form entries region)